


1. Introduction: Our Complaints Policy ensures transparency in resolving issues betweenusers and OnlyWrestlers. This clear process helps maintain trust and accountability withinour community. This Complaints Policy forms part of your agreement with us.

2. Who we are and how to contact us: OnlyWrestlers is operated by UWW EquityHoldings Inc.. We are a limited company registered in United States, with companyregistration number E35783162023-1 and we have our registered office address at 401Ryland Street Suite 200-A, Reno, NV 89502, USA.

3. Interpretation: In this Complaints Policy, defined terms have the same meanings givento them in the .Terms of Use for all Users In addition, the term "business days" meansany day which is not a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in United States.

4. Who can use this Complaints Policy? Whether or not you are a User of OnlyWrestlers,you can use this Complaints Policy to alert us to any complaint which you have relating toOnlyWrestlers.

5. How to make a complaint: If you have a complaint about OnlyWrestlers (including anycomplaint about Content appearing on OnlyWrestlers or the conduct of a User), pleasesend your complaint to support@OnlyWrestlers.com including your name, address,contact details, a description of your complaint and, if your complaint relates to Content,the URL for the Content to which your complaint relates.If you are unable to contact us by email, please write to us at the following address: 401Ryland Street Suite 200-A, Reno, NV 89502, USA.

6. How we will deal with complaints of illegal or non-consensual Content: Followingreceipt of your complaint of illegal or non-consensual Content under section 5 above:

a. We will take such steps as we consider to be appropriate to investigate your complaintwithin a timescale which is appropriate to the nature of your complaint;

b. If we require further information or documents from you, we will contact you to let youknow;

c. We will in good faith investigate your complaint within seven (7) business days;

d. If we are satisfied that the Content is unlawful or non-consensual, we will immediatelyremove such Content, and we will notify you of our decision by email or other electronicmessage;

e. If we are satisfied that the Content is not unlawful or non-consensual, we will notify you ofour decision by email or other electronic message.Any dispute regarding our determination that Content is non-consensual will be submittedby us to a neutral arbitration association at our expense.

7. How we will deal with complaints related to copyright infringement: Complaints related tocopyright infringement must be submitted in accordance with our DMCA Policy, and wewill respond to copyright infringement complaints as set out in such policy.

8. How we will deal with other complaints: Following receipt of other complaints(including complaints related to other breaches of our Acceptable Use Policy) undersection 5 above:

a. We will take such steps as we consider to be appropriate to investigate your complaintwithin a timescale which is appropriate to the nature of your complaint;

b. If we require further information or documents from you, we will contact you to let youknow;

c. We will in good faith take such actions as we consider appropriate to deal with the issuewhich your complaint has raised. If you have complained about Content which appearson OnlyWrestlers and we are satisfied that the Content otherwise breachesour Acceptable Use Policy, we will act quickly to remove such Content;

d. We are not obligated to inform you of the outcome of your complaint.

9. Unjustified or abusive complaints: If you are a User of OnlyWrestlers, you warrant(which means you make a legally enforceable promise) It is essential to follow theComplaints Policy in good faith. Any unjustified complaints may lead to suspension ortermination of your User account. This ensures fair and respectful communicationbetween all parties involved.