
Privacy & Policy

1. This is who we are

UWW Equity Holdings Inc and its subsidiaries prioritize privacy and safeguardingpersonal data. This commitment ensures that your information is handled securely andwith care. By maintaining this level of respect for privacy, we aim to build trust with ourusers and uphold the integrity of our services. OnlyWrestlers is a social network whichenables: (i) "Talent Creators" to share and monetize their own content (as well assubscribe to, and view, the content of other Talent Creators); and (ii) Members tosubscribe to, and view, the content of Talent Creators.

2. About this Policy

This privacy policy ("Policy") explains our practices with respect to the personal data weprocess about our Talent Creators and Members. Some parts of the Policy are specificallyaimed at Talent Creators, and some parts are specifically aimed at Members. It alsoapplies to how we process the personal data of individuals that feature in contentuploaded by a Talent Creators ("Content Collaborators"), and where we processpersonal data about you in the context of our business relationships.We process your personal data when you use our website locatedat www.OnlyWrestlers.com ("Website") and for the provision of the services that we offerfrom time to time via our Website. We also process your personal data when you interactwith us through our social media pages on third-party websites (e.g. Twitter andInstagram), or otherwise. We refer to these activities collectively as the "Services" in thisPolicy

We are a "data controller" of the personal data that we process in connection with theServices. This means that we decide the reasons why we process personal data aboutyou and how we do so.Please review this Policy to understand how we process your personal data in connectionwith the Services. By using our Services, you acknowledge that you have read andunderstand the information in this Policy.If you have any questions about this Policy or our processing of your personal data,please see Section 19 (assistance and contact information) for information about howto contact us.

3. What is personal data?

"Personal data" means information that identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonablycapable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, witha particular person or household. In addition, we may collect data that is not capable ofidentifying you or is otherwise not associated or linked with you, such as de-identified,aggregated or anonymised information. This type of data is not personal data and our useof such data is not subject to this Policy.

4. Informing us of changes

It is important that the personal data we hold about you is accurate and current. Pleasekeep us informed if your personal data changes at any point during your relationship withus. Updates or corrections can be made through your account settings on our Website.

5. Applicability of this Policy (18+)This Policy is provided in addition to, but does not form part of, our Terms ofService (which includes our Acceptable Use Policy) that govern your use of our Websiteand the Services.Our Services are strictly intended for individuals 18 years of age or older. Anyoneunder 18 years of age is not permitted to use the Services. By using the Services,you represent that you are 18 years of age or older.

6. Third-party links

Our Website may include links to third-party websites, plug-ins and applications. Clickingon those links or enabling those connections may allow third parties to collect or sharepersonal data about you.We are not responsible for, and this Policy does not apply to, the content, security orprivacy practices of those other websites, plug-ins or applications. We encourage you toview the privacy and cookie policies / notices of those third parties to find out how yourpersonal data may be used.

7. If you do not wish to provide personal data

We need to collect certain personal data from you in order to provide you with access tothe Services or specific features and functionalities of the Services in accordance with ourcontract with you (i.e. our )Terms of Service. We are also required to process certainpersonal data in accordance with applicable laws. Please note that if you do not wish toprovide personal data where requested, we may not be able to provide you with accessto the Services or specific features and functionalities of the Services.

8. Updates to this Policy

We may update this Policy from time to time, and any updates will be effective upon ourposting of the revised Policy on our Website. We will use reasonable efforts to notify youin the event that material updates are made to this Policy, such as sending you a feednotification or a chat message via your account on our Website.

9. Categories of personal data

We process, or our third-party providers process on our behalf, different kinds of personaldata about Talent Creators and Members, which we have grouped together as follows:

Category ofpersonal dataDescription

User Data Talent Creators and Content Collaborators

• full name*

• alias, if applicable

• residential address

• country of residence*

• email address

• telephone number

• a copy of the government identity document that you provide to us*

• a "selfie" of you holding your government identity document*

• third-party social media handle / personal website address (used to furtherverify your age and identity and to help us better understand the content whichyou are likely to share on our Website)

• signature on release forms if you feature in another Talent Creators content*

Please note: Items marked with * will be requested for Content Collaboratorsthat are not existing Talent Creators on the Website, via a release form.Members

• email address

• telephone number


The following types of personal data are collected directly by our third-partyproviders during onboarding:

Talent Creators

Category ofpersonal data : Description

• a copy of the government identity document that you provide to our third-partyproviders

• a short .gif, taken from a “selfie” that you provide to our third-party providers• the results of the third-party age and identity verification process (pass / failand reason for failing)

• metadata associated with the third-party age and identity verification process(e.g. start and finish time)Members

• for locations where we conduct third-party age and identity verification ofMembers, a copy of the government identity document that you provide to ourthird-party providers

• for locations where we carry out third-party age estimation, or third-party ageand identity verification of Members, a short .gif, taken from a "selfie" that youprovide to our third-party providers

• the results of the third-party age estimation process or third-party age andidentity verification process (pass / fail and reason for failing)

• metadata associated with the third-party age estimation process or third-partyage and identity verification process (e.g. user start and finish time)Please see Section 10 (our onboarding processes), below, for further information.Third-Party Onboarding Data and Technical Data does not include FaceRecognition Data, as set out below.

Account DataTalent Creators

• profile name

• password

• avatars and headers of your Talent Creators account

• your subscriptions, subscribers and referrals

• posts that you have made to your Talent Creators account

• comments on posts made from your Talent Creators account• chat messages between you and other users• customer support queries that you submit to usMembers

• profile name

• password

• avatars and headers of your Member account

• your subscriptions

• comments on posts made from your Member account

Category ofpersonal data


• chat messages between you and other users

• customer support queries that you submit to us

Financial DataTalent Creators

• payment card details*

• billing address

• funds added to your wallet

• bank account information

• pay-out country

• corporate or business entity if registered for tax purposes

• social security number (for US Talent Creators only) or other relevant taxinformation

• W-9 form (for US Talent Creators only)

• 1099-MISC form (for US Talent Creators only)

• 1099-NEC form (for US Talent Creators only)Members• payment card details*• billing address• funds added to your wallet

* Please note: Any payments made to view the content of Talent Creators areprocessed by our third-party payment providers. We do not receive your fullpayment card number, payment card expiration date, or the security code.Instead, the payment provider provides us with a "token" that representsyour account, your payment card's expiration date, payment card type andthe first six and last four digits of your payment card number.

TransactionDataTalent Creators

• earnings

• pay-out requests

• payments made to your Talent Creators account

• payments made from your Talent Creators account to other Talent Creators

• any failed payments


• payments made from your Member account to Talent Creators

• any failed payments

Technical Data Talent Creators and Members

Internet or other electronic network activity information, including:

• internet protocol (IP) address (and associated location data)

Category ofpersonal dataDescription

• Internet Service Provider (ISP)

• device and type

• name and version of browser

Usage Data Talent Creators and Members

We use cookies where necessary (to allow you to browse the Services and accesscertain pages of the Website) and, with your consent we will use cookies:

• for performance on the Website (e.g. to analyse how users interact with theWebsite to improve the Services and, where you are a Talent Creators, so thatwe can recognise that you have referred another Talent Creators through yourunique referral code)

• for Website functionality (e.g. saving your logged-in status)More information on our use of cookies, including how to delete or block cookies,can be found in our Cookie Notice. In some cases, data collected from cookieswill be in a de-identified, aggregated or anonymised format.We currently do not use any cross-site tracking technologies and we do notsell personal data collected about you, or share personal data collected aboutyou for cross-context behaviour advertising.

FaceRecognitionDataTalent Creators (and Members in certain locations)

• As described in more detail below in Section 10 (our onboarding processes),during onboarding, our third-party providers may use face recognitiontechnology, so they can digitally verify you.

The Face Recognition Data remains with our third-party provider and wedo not ourselves collect, receive, possess, or have access to FaceRecognition Data at any time.

10. Our onboarding processes

Talent Creators

We have processes in place that are intended to ensure that all Talent Creators on theWebsite: (i) are at least 18 years of age; and (ii) verify their identity. Before you can start aTalent Creators account, we will:

• Ask you to provide Talent Creators User Data, as set out at Section 9 (categoriesof personal data).

• Check your country of residence. This check is intended to ensure lawful access tothe Website and the Services.

• Ask you to provide Financial Data, as set out at Section 9 (categories of personaldata). This is necessary so that payments can be made to Talent Creators forcontent, and so that Talent Creators can access their earnings via the Website.Financial Data is also collected as a verification and anti-fraud measure.

• Ask you to go through a third-party age and identity verification process:

• This process involves our third-party provider collecting a short .gif, taken from a"selfie" and photo from a government identity document (in both cases, that youprovide to the third-party provider). The third-party provider then uses FaceRecognition Data to match the two images so they can digitally verify your ageand identity.

• As described at Section 9 (categories of personal data), we do not collect,receive, possess, or have access to any Face Recognition Data collected orprocessed by our third-party providers through this process.

• Where permitted by applicable law, we receive from our third-party providersThird-Party Onboarding Data, and certain Technical Data, as set out at Section 9(categories of personal data), to maintain a record of the age and identityverification process.

• Check that you have not previously been banned from using the Website and ourServices (e.g. as a result of violating our Terms of Service ).

• MembersWe have processes in place that are intended to ensure that: (i) all Members on theWebsite are at least 18 years of age; and (ii) Members in certain locations verify theiridentity. Before you can start a Member account, we will:

• Ask you to provide Member User Data, as set out at Section 9 (categories ofpersonal data).

• Check your country of residence. This check is intended to ensure lawful access tothe Website and the Services.

• Ask you to provide Financial Data, as set out at Section 9 (categories of personaldata). This is necessary so that Members can make payments to Talent Creators.Financial Data is also collected as a verification and anti-fraud measure.

• Ask you to go through a third-party process to gain assurances of your age. Thespecific process will depend upon your location and the third-party provider. This mayinclude:

• Third-party age and identity verification

• For certain locations, we are required to verify the age and identity of ourMembers, so we need to take additional steps. This process involves ourthird-party provider collecting a short .gif, taken from a "selfie" and photofrom a government identity document (in both cases, that you provide to thethird-party provider). The third-party provider then uses Face RecognitionData to match the two images so they can digitally verify your age andidentity.

• As set out at Section 9 (categories of personal data), we donot ourselves collect, receive, possess, or have access to this data.

• Where permitted by applicable law, we may receive from our third-partyproviders Third-Party Onboarding Data, and certain Technical Data, as setout at Section 9 (categories of personal data), to maintain a record of theage and identity verification process.

• Third-party age estimation

• For certain locations, we use third-party providers to conduct ageestimation. This process involves our third-party provider collecting ashort .gif "selfie" (that you provide to the third-party provider) and usingdigital technology to estimate your age, which may involve the use of FaceRecognition Data.

• If you go through the third-party age estimation process, we will only receivethe results of the process (pass / fail and reason for failing), to maintain arecord of the age estimation process.

• If you fail the third-party age estimation process (e.g. if you are over 18years of age, but their technology has predicted that you look under 18 yearsof age), you may have the option to go through the third-party age andidentity verification process set out above.


• Why does OnlyWrestlers use third-party face recognition technology?

• The use of face recognition technology by our third-party providers is animportant technological measure used in our wider onboarding processes forTalent Creators and Members. It is intended to ensure safety on the Website andour compliance with applicable laws.

• We use third-party service providers to carry out age and identity verification,who carry out these services on our behalf, as data processors.

• How does Face Recognition Data help to prevent fraud?

•Face recognition technology reduces the possibility of fraudulent face imagespoofing and the uploading of fraudulent government identity documents whenindividuals go through the onboarding process.

•Where our third-party providers have identified possible fraud attempts (such asthe use of fake or otherwise manipulated documents) our third-party providersmay maintain a record of such attempts, including Face Recognition Data, for thepurposes of detecting unlawful activity and preventing access to the Website.

•Periodic authentication of your identity

•During the time that you hold an account with us, we may require you toperiodically authenticate your identity. If you have gone through the third-partyage identity verification process, where permitted by applicable law our thirdparty providers may retain Face Recognition Data to enable you to authenticateyour identity. Where this is retained, you do not need to provide the third-partyprovider with your government identity document again when authenticating youridentity.

•Withdrawing your consent:

You may withdraw your consent to the retention ofyour Face Recognition Data for the purposes of subsequent authentication (anddelete this) by contacting privacy@OnlyWrestlers.com. While withdrawing yourconsent to the retention of your Face Recognition Data will not affect your abilityto complete a subsequent authentication process, it may require you to providethe third-party provider with your government identity document again during theauthentication process.

11. How / why your personal data is used and lawfulbases for processing

We process personal data for, or based on, one or more of the following legal bases:

Consent: Your consent is requested only in specific circumstances which includes,for example, the processing of: (i) Face Recognition Data by our third-party providersas part of the age and identity verification process for all Talent Creators (and forMembers in certain locations); and (ii) age estimation captures (which may involvethe use of Face Recognition Data) by our third-party providers for Members in certainlocations. Please see Section 10 (our onboarding processes), above, for furtherinformation.

Performance of a contract: By using the Services, you have contracted with usthrough our Terms of Service, and we will process personal data to perform thatcontract (e.g. to fulfill transactions between Members and Talent Creators andprocess Talent Creators earnings) and to enforce the terms of that contract.

Legitimate interests: We may process personal data if it is in our, or a third-party's,legitimate interests (as detailed in the table below). This includes, for example,investigating and responding to a report made through our DMCA takedownprocedure to protect a Talent Creators intellectual property rights.

Compliance with legal obligations: As a global business, we may process personal data to comply with applicable law, rules and regulations in the locations where we operate.

Task carried out in the public interest: We may process personal data as necessary for a task carried out in the public interest. This may include, for example, reporting illegal activity to relevant law enforcement authorities, other governmental agencies and non- governmental organizations.

We will only use your personal data for the purposes for which we collected it, unless we reasonably consider that we need to use it for another reason and that reason is compatible with the original purpose. The table below indicates the purposes for which your personal data is processed and the legal justification for the processing. Some of the above grounds for processing will overlap and there may be several grounds which justify the processing:


Purpose / activity
Lawful basis for processing
Account creation (both Talent Creators and Members).
Performance of a contract
Talent Creators age and identity verification and where applicable,subsequent authentication (specifically in relation to theprocessing of Face Recognition Data).Please see Section 10 (our onboarding processes), above, forfurther information.
Member age and identity verification and where applicable,subsequent authentication, in certain locations (specifically inrelation to the processing of Face Recognition Data).Please see Section 10 (our onboarding processes), above, forfurther information.
Performance of a contract
Member age estimation, in certain locations (specifically inrelation to the processing of the age estimation capture, which mayinvolve the use of Face Recognition Data).Please see Section 10 (our onboarding processes), above, forfurther information.
Performance of a contract
Member age verification (to the extent we are able to do sowithout third-party age and identity verification or third-party ageestimation).
Performance of a contract​​
Government identity document validity check, and maintaining arecord of the age and identity verification process (for TalentCreators, and Members in certain locations).
Performance of a contract​​
Maintaining a record of the age estimation process (for Membersin certain locations).
Performance of a contract​​
Providing the Services, including the hosting of Talent Creatorscontent, the fulfilllment of transactions between Members andTalent Creators and processing Talent Creators earnings.
Performance of a contract​​
Providing technical support to Members and Talent Creators.
Performance of a contract​​
Communicating with you about the Services, responding tosupport requests or, sharing information about the Services (e.g.providing you with updates to our Terms of Service or this Policy).
Performance of a contract​​
Ensuring compliance with, and enforcing, our Terms ofService and other usage policies (e.g. our Acceptable Use Policy).
Performance of a contract​​
Moderation and filtration:
• text and content uploaded to the Website
• livestreaming on the Website
• content sent in chat messages on the Websiteto monitor and investigate violations of our Terms of Service.
Performance of a contract​​
Filtration of text sent in direct messages on the Website toinvestigate violations of our Terms of Service
Performance of a contract
Removal from the Services of text and content uploaded by usersthat is identified as illegal, and suspending or deactivating thoseuser accounts.
Compliance with legalobligationsPerformance of a contract
Removal from the Services of text and content uploaded by usersthat is identified as violating our Terms of Service and whereappropriate, suspending or deactivating user accounts.
Performance of a contract
Maintaining a record of banned users, to prevent further access tothe Website.
Legitimate interests
Purpose / activity
Lawful basis for processing
Reporting illegal activity to relevant law enforcement authorities,other governmental agencies and non-governmental organizations.
Legitimate interests Task carried out in the publicinterest
Preservation and sharing of personal data in the context of legalproceedings (e.g. litigation).
Legitimate interests
Complying with applicable laws, rules and regulations.
Compliance with legalobligationsLegitimate interests
Monitoring transactions and company network, systems,applications, and data, to: (i) detect malicious, deceptive,fraudulent, or illegal activity in order to protect informationsecurity and integrity, and user safety; and (ii) respond to /investigate incidents where appropriate.
Legitimate interestsTask carried out in the publicinterest
As necessary or appropriate to protect the rights and property ofour users, us, and other third parties.
Legitimate interests
Data analysis and testing, system maintenance, reporting andhosting of data, to maintain, develop and improve the provision ofthe Services (e.g. safety, performance and functionality).
Consent (involving UsageData, where this is personaldata, collected via cookies)Legitimate interests
As necessary in the context of a possible sale, merger, acquisition,business reorganization or group restructuring exercise.
Legitimate Interests
Processing of personal data in connection with sponsorships, andour relationship with service providers, professional advisers andother third parties for business purposes (e.g. business contactinformation and correspondence).
Performance of a contractLegitimate Interests

12. Obtaining your personal data:

We collect your personal data from the following categories of sources:

Directly from you: When you provide it to us directly to open an account and usethe Services, when you update your personal data in your account, or bycorresponding with us (e.g. User Data, Account Data).

Automatically or indirectly from you: For example, through and as a result of youruse of the Services (e.g. Transaction Data, Technical Data, Usage Data).

From our service providers: For example, where permitted by applicable law, wereceive Third-Party Onboarding Data and certain Technical Data from our third-partyage and identity verification providers.

13. Sharing your personal data

We share personal data with the following categories of third parties:

•Our third-party service providers: Such as our IT, payment processing, customersupport, content and text moderation, and age and identity verification / ageestimation service providers. The lawful basis we rely on for sharing personal datawith these recipients is that it is necessary for our legitimate interests (namely thereceipt of services to support business functionality).

•Our professional advisers: Such as our legal advisors, bankers, auditors,accountants, consultants, and insurers. Our professional advisors will processpersonal data as necessary to provide their services to us. The lawful basis we relyon for sharing personal data with these recipients is that it is necessary for ourlegitimate interests (namely the receipt of professional services).

•Corporate: Relevant third parties in the event of a possible sale, merger,acquisition, business reorganization or group restructuring exercise. The lawful basiswe rely on for sharing personal data with these recipients is that it is necessary forour and the relevant third parties' legitimate interests (namely assessing and puttinginto effect potential transactions).

•Our group companies: For the centralized coordination and management of ourbusiness, in accordance with the purposes set out at Section 9 (categories ofpersonal data). These recipients will process personal data in the same way as setout in this Policy. The lawful basis we rely on for sharing personal data with theserecipients is that it is necessary for our legitimate interests (namely coordinating theglobal operations of our business).

•Relevant authorities, regulators and organizations: In response to requests fromgovernmental authorities (including law enforcement and tax authorities), regulators,and certain non-governmental organizations (such as the National Center for Missing& Exploited Children (NCMEC)). These recipients will use your personal data in theperformance of their regulatory, law enforcement or otherwise charitable or not-forprofit role. The lawful basis we rely on for sharing personal data with these recipientsis that the processing is either necessary to comply with a legal obligation to whichwe are subject, or necessary for our, or a third-party's, legitimate interests, or where itis in the interests of the wider public to do so (namely reporting illegal content to, andassisting with requests from, such authorities, regulators and organizations, toprotect the safety of our users and third parties).

14. International data transfers

We share your personal data within our group companies and to our third parties, as setout at Section 13 (sharing your personal data).In some circumstances, this will involve transferring your data outside the UK, the EEAand Switzerland. We make those transfers: (i) to countries that have been deemed toprovide an adequate level of protection for personal data; (ii) using appropriatesafeguards; or (iii) where otherwise authorized by applicable law.Please contact us using the contact details set out at Section 19 (assistance andcontact information) if you would like further information on the specific mechanismused by us when transferring your personal data outside the UK, the EEA andSwitzerland.

15. Your rights regarding personal data

You have certain rights regarding the collection and processing of personal data. You mayexercise these rights by contacting us using the contact details set out at Section 19(assistance and contact information).Under certain circumstances and subject to certain exemptions, you have the right to:

•Withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data: Please notethat withdrawing your consent will not affect the lawfulness of any processing carriedout before you withdraw your consent.

•Request to know or access to your personal data: You may receive a copy of thepersonal data we hold about you and to check that we are lawfully processing it.

•Request correction of the personal data that we hold about you: You maycorrect any incomplete or inaccurate personal data we hold about you.

•Request deletion / erasure of your personal data: You may ask us to delete orremove personal data where there is no legitimate reason for us continuing to process it. You also may ask us to delete or remove your personal data where youhave exercised your right to object to processing (see below). Please note that wemay not always be able to comply with your request of deletion / erasure for specificlegal reasons.

•Request the restriction of processing of your personal data: You may ask us tosuspend the processing of personal data about you, for example if you want us to establish its accuracy or the reason for processing it.

•Request the transfer of some sections of your personal data to another party

You also have the right to object to processing of your personal datawhere we are relying on a legitimate interest for the processing and there is something about your particular situation which makes you want to object to processing on this ground. We do not process personal data that is subject to solely automated decision-making,where that decision-making is likely to have a legal or similarly significant effect on you. You also have the right:

To lodge a complaint with a data protection regulator. For example, in the UK, thisis the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) and in Switzerland, this is the FederalData Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC). If you are resident in theEEA, you may wish to contact your local country or state-specific data protectionregulator.

 •Depending on your location, to not receive retaliatory or discriminatorytreatment in connection with a request to exercise the above rights, or appeal adecision we have made in connection with your privacy rights request. All appealrequests should be submitted by contacting us using the contact details set outat Section 19 (assistance and contact information).

16. Exercising your rights

If you would like to exercise your rights set out at Section 15 (your rights regardingpersonal data), you may do so by contacting us using the contact details set outat Section 19 (assistance and contact information).If you submit the request yourself, please ensure that your request contains sufficientinformation to allow us to confirm your identity and properly understand, evaluate, andrespond to it.

In order to verify your identity, we may at times need to request additional personal datafrom you, taking into consideration our relationship with you and the sensitivity of yourrequest. In certain circumstances, we may decline a privacy rights request, particularlywhere we are unable to verify your identity.

If your request is made by a third-party authorized by you, we will also require proof thatthe third-party has permission to submit the request on your behalf (such as a signeddocument evidencing that the third-party has authority to make the request).

17. Choices and control over your personal data

Modifying and deleting your personal data: If you have an account with us, you mayupdate your account settings on our Website. Please note that changes to your settingsmay require some time to take effect.

Access to device information:You may control the Services' access to your TechnicalData through your "Settings" app on your device. For instance, you can withdrawpermission for the Services to access your network devices and geolocation.

Email notification opt-out:We currently do not send emails for direct marketingpurposes. However, we do send email notifications which are related to your account(e.g. for Talent Creators, where you have a new subscriber, you have received a new tip,or somebody has renewed their subscription with you). You may opt-out of receivingcertain types of email communications from us by changing your notificationpreferences on our Website. You may also email us using the contact details set outat Section 19 (assistance and contact information). Please include "E-mail notificationopt-out" in the email's subject line and include your name and your account emailaddress in the body of the email.

Please note that you cannot opt-out of certain automated email notifications that arenecessary to provide the Services or are otherwise required in accordance withapplicable law (e.g. account verification, transactional communications, changes /updates to features of the service, technical and security notices).

18. Retention of personal data

We will only retain your personal data for as long as reasonably necessary to fulfill thepurposes for which it was collected, as set out in this Policy. Subject to the below, weretain personal data for a period of 6 months after the deletion or deactivation of youraccount on the Website.

Please note that:

•We will delete your personal data sooner where a shorter retention period isrequired by applicable law.

•We will retain your personal data for a longer period to the extent we deemnecessary to carry out the processing activities set out in this Policy, for example:

•where it is necessary to comply with laws and regulatory obligations that areapplicable to us (e.g. adhering to record keeping / maintenance requirements incertain locations and financial / tax reporting requirements, which in some cases is up to 7 years, and if we receive a valid legal request, such as a preservationorder or search warrant, related to your account);

•for the purposes of identifying and reporting illegal activity, protecting the safetyof our users and third parties, or otherwise protecting the rights and property ofour users, us, and other third parties (e.g. where you have, or we have reason tobelieve that you have, violated our Terms of Service, and in circumstances whereusers are banned from further access to the Website);

•for purposes of legal proceedings (e.g. to defend ourselves in litigation about aclaim related to you); and

•for the purposes of responding to requests from third parties in relation to youraccount, such as requests received from, or investigations by, law enforcementauthorities, relevant governmental authorities (e.g. tax authorities and regulatoryauthorities) and non-governmental organizations (e.g. NCMEC).

​The personal data that we retain and the length of time for which it is retained will bedetermined on a case-by-case basis, depending on the particular circumstances.

19. Additional U.S. state privacy disclosures

Residents of the States of California, Colorado, Connecticut, Nevada, Utah, andVirginia: These additional U.S. State Privacy Disclosures ("U.S. Disclosures")supplement the information contained in the Policy by providing additional informationabout our personal data processing practices relating to individual residents of thesestates. Unless otherwise expressly stated, all terms defined in this Policy retain the samemeaning in these U.S. Disclosures.

For the purposes of these U.S. Disclosures, personal data does not include publiclyavailable information or de-identified, aggregated or anonymised information that ismaintained in a form that is not capable of being associated with or linked to you.

No sales for targeted advertisingWe do not sell or share personal data for the purpose of displaying advertisements thatare selected based on personal data obtained or inferred over time from an individual'sactivities across businesses or distinctly-branded websites, applications, or other services(otherwise known as "targeted advertising").Sensitive information

Although sensitive information may be disclosed for a business purpose as describedbelow, we do not sell or share sensitive information for the purpose of targetedadvertising.The following personal data elements we, or our service providers, collect may beclassified as "sensitive" under certain privacy laws ("sensitive information") including:

•username and password;

•social security number, driver's license number, and passport number;

•government identifiers (such as driver's license numbers);

•partial payment card number and the name registered with your payment card; and

•Face Recognition Data (biometric information which is collected and processed byour third-party providers).

​We use this sensitive information for the purposes set out at Section 11 (how / why weuse your personal data and lawful bases for processing), to the extent necessary forthe operation of our Services, to enter into and perform a contract with you, to complywith legal and regulatory requirements, to protect the safety of ours users and thirdparties or as otherwise permissible for our own internal purposes consistent withapplicable laws.

de-identified information

We may at times receive, or process personal data, to create de-identified informationthat can no longer reasonably be used to infer information about, or otherwise be linkedto, a particular individual or household. Where we maintain de-identified information, wewill maintain and use the information in de-identified form and not attempt to re-identifythe information except as required or permitted by applicable law.

MinorsOur Services are strictly intended for individuals 18 years of age or older. Anyoneunder 18 years of age is not permitted to use the Services. By using the Services,you represent that you are 18 years of age or older.

CALIFORNIA SPECIFIC DISCLOSURESThe following disclosures only apply to residents of the State of California:   

 Personal data collectionCalifornialaw requires that we provide disclosures to you about what personal data wecollect by reference to the categories of personal data set forth within California law. To address this obligation, we have identified the relevant California personal data categoryfor the personal data set out in more detail at Section 9 (categories of personal data):

•Identifiers: Such as your name, address, phone number, email address, passport orother government identity information including driver's license information, accountinformation, or other similar identifiers.

•Customer Records: Such as your driver's license number, passport number, partialdebit card information, partial credit card information, bank account information orother payment or financial information.

•Protected Classification Characteristics: Such as age, date of birth, and gender.

•Commercial Information: Such as information about products or servicespurchased and your use of our Services.

•Biometric Information: Which is limited to Face Recognition Data, used by ourthird-party providers for age and identity verification purposes. Face RecognitionData remains with our third-party providers and we do not ourselves collect, receive,possess, or have access to this data.

•Internet / Network Information: Such as device information, log, and analyticsdata.

•Sensory Information: Such as pictures and videos (content) you upload to theWebsite.

•Professional / Employment Information: Such as the business or organizationyou are associated with and, where applicable, your title with that business ororganization and information relating to your role with the business or organization.

•Other Personal Data: Such as communication preferences, customer service andcommunication history, personal data an individual permits us to see when interactingwith us through social media, personal data an individual provides us in relation to aquestion or request, and messages you send us through our Services or makeavailable to us on social media.

•Inferences: Such as information generated from your use of our Services.

We may disclose all of these categories of personal data for a business purpose toservice providers or other third parties, as outlined in this Policy.
Disclosure of personal dataAs set out at Section 13 (sharing your personal data), we may disclose the categoriesof personal data identified above to the following categories of third parties for variousbusiness purposes: our group and affiliated companies, service providers, ourprofessional advisers, business partners, other businesses as needed to provide ourServices, and certain third parties where you have provided consent, where it is in connection with a corporate transaction, or where we are required by law or in connectionwith other legal process.Sources of personal dataWe collect personal data directly from you, from your browser or device when you interactwith our Services, and from our business partners and affiliates, third parties you direct toshare information with us, and other third-party providers. For more information, pleaseseeSection 12 (obtaining your personal data).

Purpose for collection  

We collect personal data about you for the purposes set out at Section 11 (how / whywe use your personal data and lawful bases for processing).Notice of financial incentives.

As discussed above, we currently do not use any cross-site tracking technologies and wedo not sell personal data collected about you, or share personal data collected about youfor cross-context behavioural advertising. We do not currently send emails for directmarketing purposes.

We currently offer a referral program, whereby existing Talent Creators of the Websitecan use their unique referral code to introduce people who are interested in becomingTalent Creators on the Website, and the referring Talent Creators will receive referralpayments, based on the referred Talent Creators earnings. The referral program issubject to our Terms of Service and any such referral payments are calculated, andlimited, as described in the Referral Program Terms in our .Terms of ServiceAny personal data associated with the referring Talent Creators, or the referred TalentCreators, is processed in accordance with this Policy.

We have determined that the value of the referral program is reasonably related to thevalue of the personal data we process in connection with the referral program (based onour reasonable but sole determination). We estimate the value of the personal data wereceive and otherwise process in connection with the referral program by considering theexpense we incur in collecting and processing the personal data, as well as the expensesrelated to facilitating the referral program.

You may exercise your rights in relation to your personal data as outlined in this Policy,and as applicable, by submitting a ticket through your account or byemailing privacy@OnlyWrestlers.com.